Impact 2030 – driving our strategic direction

Impact 2030 is the strategy that sets the bar for member engagement, member service and the results we achieve. This strategy will drive us to advance workplace safety.

ACSA has developed a new 10-year strategic plan – Impact 2030: Deepening our Impact in the Construction Sector (Impact 2030). The strategic plan was approved by Your ACSA’s Board of Directors in June 2021.

We have made great gains in advancing a technical understanding of, and approach to, construction safety practices. Impact 2030 will build new foundations that address the challenge of driving a deeply rooted philosophical commitment to workplace safety.

The strategic plan focuses on four strategic priorities. ACSA will realize these strategies by identifying actions and key performance indicators in its three-year operational plan, with implementation to begin in 2022. Once baseline data has been determined, actual targets and outcomes will be set for these strategies. Reporting will be included in ACSA’s 2022 Status Report.

A summary of the strategic priorities and key activities accomplished in 2021 are highlighted below.

1. Stakeholder focus

This strategic priority is about understanding the needs, concerns and interests of industry (business owners, employers, construction leaders and others) to ensure the ACSA’s product offerings and approach adequately serve their unique interests. A key dimension of this priority is to approach industry feedback and relationships with curiosity, a desire to listen, learn and build meaningful dialogue. The intent is to reach a broader audience in the construction industry, not just those who currently use ACSA products and services.

2021 highlights:

  • 2,137 responses and 4,540 individual written comments received on the annual stakeholder engagement survey (What We Heard Report).
  • More than 88 per cent of students completed the vILT satisfaction survey.
  • 384 COR eAudit responses received.
  • Beginning in May 2021, an eAudit functionality survey was sent out after each audit approval, to gather member feedback on their audit experience.
  • Consultation with stakeholders to gather feedback and recommendations on how to improve the ACSA Peer Auditor program.
  • To help ACSA members and stakeholders navigate OHS legislative changes, all ACSA training courses, exams and downloadable resources were updated.
  • On-boarded a Senior Stakeholder Relations Advisor to move forward with this key strategic pillar.

2. Enhanced member services

This priority involved the continued enhancement to an organization that serves and supports its members through policy awareness and industry experience. Our efforts prioritize helpfulness, inclusivity and accessibility as components of driving improved construction safety outcomes.

2021 highlights:

  • 16,802 students registered for the 17 vILT courses offered, including 1,017 Canadian students (outside of Alberta) and 34 international students.
  • Weekend courses are offered monthly to provide more flexibility for students. The LSE weekend course attracted a total of 317 participants.
  • The How to Access and Use ACSA’s Classroom video was updated in October with 1,934 views.
  • Seven additional classroom courses were converted to the vILT format. Our WIB training was converted to both vILT and on-demand formats.
  • 86,070 registrations for the CSTS 2020 Fundamentals course and collectively, 253,901 registrations for the 19 Add-on Modules. Since its launch in September 2019, close to 256,000 students have registered for the Fundamentals course and almost 640,000 students have registered for the Add-on Modules. 
  • 121 new HSAs certified.
  • 145 NCSO™ certifications issued and 70 CFCSA-approved NCSO™ certificates were maintained.
  • ACSA training program for NCSO™ and HSA designations are recognized as the industry standard with all courses available virtually.
  • 4,448 COR and SECOR certificates issued.
  • 4,093 COR and SECOR audits conducted; 224 TLCs issued.
  • 367 COR Action Plans submitted as a COR maintenance option – a 49 per cent increase over 2020.
  • The SECOR maintenance submission process has been simplified to make it easier for users to maintain certification.
  • 28 auditor performance management investigations were conducted. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 45001 equivalency process for COR audits has been developed and implemented. This ensures ACSA’s quality assurance processes are effective and help members maintain safe worksites.
  • Updates were made to the COR Action Plan video in February 2021. The video has been viewed 1,983 times to date. The TLC video, released in September, has been viewed 338 times.
  • ACSA continues to expand its social media presence to engage a broad range of industry representatives. More than 22,000 followers received a total of 671 social media posts, garnering 20,670 engagements (likes, comments, shares and link clicks) and 1,473,633 impressions. In addition, 62 targeted email campaigns sent to more than 56,000 subscribers.
  • To support our stakeholders, ACSA’s Client Services Team handled a large volume of calls. The Team averaged 408 calls per day in April, the month with the highest average daily call volume. This lowered to 293 in December. Overall, 83,848 phone calls were answered in 2021.

3. Data-informed investments and actions

The focus is to use data- and customer-informed decisions to improve ACSA’s impact on safety outcomes. Market- and customer-based approaches will be utilized to seek, analyze, understand and incorporate customer, market and injury data into the product development and management process. This includes using customer segmentation and analysis to understand both employer and student needs as well as identify how best to serve them.

2021 highlights:

  • A vendor will be secured to provide data preparation services for WCB-Alberta injury, employer and COR data. This means faster reporting and positions the ACSA to quickly address industry needs, ensuring our training and resources reflect current industry demands and inform training development activities.
  • ACSA connected with fellow CPs to explore their data analytic processes and data vendor experiences to help inform its data analytic actions moving forward.

4. Safety culture leadership

This priority focuses on driving the adoption of safety as a core value across the construction sector. Recognizing the diminishing returns of a compliance-based approach to safety, this priority is about inspiring and driving industry-wide attention to, and investment in, workplace safety.

ACSA understands the need to enhance the soft-skill development required to shift mindsets and behaviours in the workplace and on the worksite. The importance of engaging with employers at the executive/leadership level to create culture-change leaders is the forefront of this priority.

2021 highlights:

  • Four webinars on industry-specific topics and trends in the construction industry attracted a total of 3,027 registrants.
  • The 2021 ACSA Conference was held virtually from March 15 to 19 and received 447 participants.
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