The Government of Alberta’s (GoA) Ministry of Labour and Immigration governs occupational health and safety (OHS) activities in Alberta. 

The ministry provides resources and enforces the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act), regulations and code. Specifically, the ministry implements legislation and standards, in addition to providing advice and information to employers and workers. The GoA ensures compliance through inspections, investigations and complaints resolution.

ACSA is part of a voluntary program established by the ministry called Partnership in Injury Reduction (PIR). PIR is a voluntary program in which employer and worker representatives work collaboratively with the government to build effective health and safety management systems (HSMS). PIR awards COR to employers who develop a HSMS and meet established standards.

WCB-Alberta was created by the GoA to administer workplace insurance on behalf of employers and workers, as part of the Workers’ Compensation Act. WCB-Alberta is employer-funded to provide cost-effective disability and liability insurance. WCB-Alberta works with the GoA, employers, ACSA and other CPs to offer WCB-Alberta premium incentives through the PIR program. ACSA also works closely with WCB-Alberta on safety initiatives and campaigns that include Heads UpDay of Mourning and Modified Work.

“This was the first time that I have taken this type of online training and I must admit it was very well executed and easy to follow. Definitely would take this type of training again. Both instructors did a really great job with the course material and keeping it interesting and engaging.”
— from a student responding to a post-vILT survey
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