The PIR program encourages injury prevention and the development of effective workplace health and safety management systems.

It is designed to help lower WCB-Alberta premiums by encouraging injury prevention and the development of effective workplace health and safety and return-to-work plans. All employers can participate in the program and be eligible for refunds of up to 20 per cent by maintaining a COR or SECOR.  Additional health and safety improvements over industry average lead to further reductions in WCB-Alberta rates.

In 2021, a total of 11,443 Alberta employers received a PIR refund, sharing $66,635,988 for their 2020 performance ($4,521,551 of the $71,157,539 pool was retained as an allowance for future PIR refunds and adjustments).

In total, 4,464 ACSA member companies benefited from $28,886,063 in PIR refunds (43.3 per cent of the total WCB-Alberta payout). The remaining 56.7 per cent was disbursed to members of the other nine CPs, based on their performance.


Source: WCB-Alberta Partnerships in Injury Reduction; 2020 PIR refunds by certifying partner (as of May 18, 2021)
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